
Guidance in relation to Equipping with Supplies For Many Types of Emergency Circumstances

The Basics of Emergency Supplies KitsIt may be pretty intimidating to begin the process of preparing for an emergency. There is a lot to think about—you do not know what emergency may occur or what you will wish you had. Start by focusing on the most basic needs for survival, which should be your top priority. Food and water, some communication devices, first aid, and some form of protection from the elements are the most critical components to an emergency kit. The food you include should be nutrient-rich and ready to eat. With regards to protection from the elements, look into basic tents, sleeping bags, blankets, and a change of clothes. For communication, consider a radio, battery chargers for your cell phone, or walkie talkies. The final vital element to your kit is a set of emergency and hygiene supplies. A Few Things to Consider When Choosing Food For 72 Hour KitsThank goodness for the experience of others—many who had to use their emergency kits have learned some vital lessons for the rest of us!Gum and hard candy are a surprising but much appreciated item that should be added to your kit. They help to keep you from feeling thirsty, and they leave your mouth feeling fresher (after all, some of the food you will be eating is not gourmet). Be warned, however: mint gum flavors everything in your kit with mint. Pick a different flavor!Also, some hard candies, like Jolly Ranchers, will melt if it is very hot outside. Consider using a can opener rather than purchasing cans with self-opening tops. There is a chance that self-opening cans will do just that in your kit. You should replace your food storage supplies every six months or so to keep your supply fresh. Rather than throwing or giving these items away, try them yourself. Gradually, you will learn which foods you do—and definitely do not—want to eat in case of an emergency. What air swimmers are the Benefits of a 72 Hour Kit?72 hour kits come highly recommended by government and relief agencies and by many churches. Disasters cut off means of transportation and communication. It usually takes about this long for any form of help to arrive to you. When in an emergency, there are some basics we all need: clean water, safe food, some form of shelter and warmth, and adequate clothing. Without these in an emergency situation, you may not just be uncomfortable—you S107 helicopter could risk your survival. Children and senior citizens, along with any members of your family who have health concerns, are at an even greater risk of losing their lives. A 72 hour kit will not solve every possible problem, but it will give you the tools you need to prevent the worst from happening in S107 helicopter an emergency situation. Emergency Supplies Should Be Kept Where?Storing your emergency kit can be a troublesome question. Obviously, your emergency kit needs to be something you can grab at a moment’s notice—so you do not want to stuff it in an obscure corner in an attic. At the same time, they are not tools you need all the time, so you do not want them in the way of daily life paraphernalia. Coat closets are one good place for your kits; you may want to build a shelf in a centrally located room in your house specifically for the kits. If your house has more than one level, be sure to store your kits at the level with the most exits. Often, flooding or fire may prevent you from running up and down the stairs to fetch your kits. One idea that many opt to use is to store emergency supplies in a car trunk. That way, you do not even need to grab anything in an emergency—you can just run out the door. One last tip: you may want to keep a small emergency kit at work, in case you are there when disaster strikes.

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